The infamous 2020 is wrapping up. It’s probably safe to say the entire world is feeling a bit of relief knowing this year is coming to an end. Though it’s been a hard year, we still find a lot to be grateful for. We’re so thankful for our wonderful couples who have been so flexible this year, keeping their heads up and rolling with the punches. We know it’s not been an easy time, and we’re so glad you’ve stuck through it and continued celebrating love.

We’re thankful for our vendor friends who have worked tirelessly together to adjust wedding plans, and dates, and then sometimes repeating the process again. We’re thankful for coffee for keeping us going through the craziness, and we’re thankful for weddings in general for being bright spots during the year.

A Snapshot of 2020

1 Pandemic

Seriously. 2020. Who would have thought? (Certainly not us!) We think it’s preeeetty safe to say this year has been a challenge for everyone.

29 Couples

The best part about our job is getting to know our soon-to-be-weds. Props to all the 2020 newlyweds for finding ways to celebrate during this tough year.

2 Double Weddings

We got to celebrate twice with two of our couples! The first weddings were very small elopements, and the second celebrated with more family and friends.

8 Reschedules

Several of our couples rescheduled their weddings in an attempt to dodge COVID-times. Their patience is truly admirable!

1 Styled Shoot

Spreading those creative wings is always a refreshing exercise. We loved creating florals for The Meraki (Photography) Workshop earlier this month.

3 Family Milestones

This year Stephanie’s youngest hit the double digits and her oldest officially became a teenager, and Alex’s little man turned one!

We’ve seen some amazing intimate weddings over the course of this year. Couples have been getting creative and celebrating in the coziest of ways. We’ve seen intimate family-style tables with candles and flowers galore. We’ve seen small springtime outdoor ceremonies, and masked indoor celebrations. We’ve seen live streams, elopements, and all kinds of clever safety measures in between.

Here’s to looking toward 2021. We’re wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!

Photos by Portrait Novella.